Ensemble Stars! Live2D Viewer & Dialogue Simulator

Click the circles below.
Instructions Programmer Other Info

More text-friendly README.md

How to Add Models:

First, download the models and extract the folders. Click the character icon on the left first. Choose a character name and select the model.moc (or model.moc.txt) file into the Model uploader. Then select the .png file into the Texture uploader.

Do NOT use a different textures for different models. Every moc file has its own texture file and the model will not display correctly if you mix and match. (Meaning if you were changing outfits, you need to change the model file AND texture file!)

Click Add a Character and your character will be loaded! The second character button will be enabled after the first one.

How to Add Dialogue:

Click Add Dialogue on the bottom. The character dropdown will only have what characters you loaded currently. After selecting their name, the motions dropdown will load.

You can also import a JSON file to fill the textboxes. You can create one by copying this Google spreadsheet here and export to JSON. Make sure to copy the JSON code into notepad and save it as a .txt or .json file.

Export Dialogue can export your script as a JSON file for future use. Be sure the JSON script file matches the exact format.

If for some reason you are unable to use the spreadsheet, you can copy the format below. Be sure to add a comma after each brace except the end. Motions List can be found here.

	"linenumber": 1,
	"activespeaker": "Natsume",
	"charposition": "char_a",
	"dialogue": "Hokke-kun~",
	"motion": "naderu_1",
	"motionnum": "95"
	"linenumber": 2,
	"activespeaker": "Hokuto",
	"charposition": "char_b",
	"dialogue": "Sakasaki.",
	"motion": "amazed_1_2",
	"motionnum": "4"

Have fun!!

Add First Character

Upload model file:

Upload texture file:


Character A Motion: 
How to Use
Add Second Character

Upload model file:

Upload texture file:


Character B Motion: 
Swap Background
Console Log: